Achieve more with less
P (862) 295-1488
Premium value and affordable
Management & Technology Consulting
Interim Management Services
Serving major US and international markets
aVM Health is a trademark jointly owned by
Arete Advisors LLC and Versatile Med Analytics
Management & Technology Consulting
Interim Management & Executive Chief of Staff Services
Management & Technology Consulting
Interim Management & Executive Chief of Staff Services
P (862) 295-1488
We are a US domiciled company serving clients in major cities nationwide (OCONUS, CONUS) and internationally. Please contact us by email, phone or the contact form provided on this page.
US Mailing Address
1178 Broadway, 2FL, Ste#1048
New York, NY 10001
US Main Address
315 West 36th St, 2FL
New York, NY 10018
General Inquiries
Phone: (862) 295-1488
Fax: (862) 295-1488
Phone: (862) 295-1488, Ext. 118
Contact Form
Outside the US
To arrange a Skype call, provide your Skype name via email or the contact form.
General Inquiries
Phone: + (862) 275-1488
Fax: + (862) 275-1488
Phone: + (862) 275-1488, Ext. 118