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Does your organization embrace Diversity, Equity & Inclusion?
Does it measure up to employees', stakeholders' and investors' expectations?
Do you want to contribute to dissolving and dismantling systemic racism in our society and create a more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace?
Talk to our diversity consultants and DEI experts today. Learn how to dissolve systemic racism and increase employee satisfaction and productivity. Studies show a more diverse and inclusive organization outperforms their peers.
Management Consultants.
Experts in Workforce Engagement,
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI),
Culture Change,
Organizational Effectiveness,
Leadership & Talent Development, and
Exmployee Engagement
We are no ordinary diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) consultants.
Our passion, advocacy, rigor, expertise, diversity talent and proven methods embedded with best practices have yielded extraordinary impact on business outcomes. Results included equal opportunities, improved diversity in rank and file, higher employee engagement because of inclusiveness, a culturally competent organization, increased confidence in leadership to do the right thing, boosted morale and marked improvements in productivity.
Our proven toolkit gives you a quick jumpstart and accelerates project delivery by up to 300%. Take a quick pulse survey using best practices and expert designed assessment tools and survey questions. Find out how well you measure up against others. Learn what your employees and leaders really think about difficult diversity, equity and inclusion issues at the workplace. Take action and address your organization's cultural DEI gaps and create a more culturally competent leadership team.
Ready to begin your diversity,
equity and inclusion initiative?
Here are some things to consider.
Assess your organization's current diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) state
Identify areas of opportunities and low-hanging fruit to create a more inclusive culture, a racially bias-free workplace and an equitable work environment.
Develop a DEI roadmap and strategy to align with your organization's business objectives, mission and strategic plan.
Build diversity, equity and inclusiveness knowledge, skills, know-how, how-to among your leaders.
Foster a climate and culture of equity and inclusiveness for all.
Design DEI programs and Employee Resource Group initiatives that create meaningful change and impactful outcomes.
Implement and measure outcomes and tangible results. Make sure your investment and efforts are paying off.
Monitor and collect continuous employee and customer feedback. Adjust and fine-tune your diversity, equity and inclusion programs.
Only 57% of American workers are comfortable engaging in open honest conversations about race, gender, and diversity related topics and challenges. How does your organization's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Cultural DNA benchmark against others in similar sectors and size?
Find out today how other executives and leaders in high ranking positions cultivate positive changes. We make it easy and do the heavy-lifting.
Take a quick and meaningful pulse of your organization's hearts and minds. Learn the answers to questions like the ones below and action the gaps.
Examples of Pulse Survey Questions to assess DEI's current state:
Do your people feel encouraged to talk openly about these sensitive topics?
Are your leaders and line managers prepared and skilled to confront and tackle racial issues with customers and their teams?
Is your HR infrastructure adequately equipped to handle diversity, equity and inclusion objectives and gaps in your HR and other processes such as talent acquisition, talent management, hiring, onboarding, rewards and recognition, career advancement, learning and development opportunities, pay equity, and more?