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We mind the details so you can focus on doing what you do best and growing your company. 

Working with a bootstrapped budget doesn't have to be painful.

Services at a Glance

We provide a range of services at affordable price-points
to assist and support start-up and small enterprise with
interim management, operations management, consulting,
project, support, advisory and solutioning needs.
What is the definition of small enterprise?
Companies that are less than 6 years old or,
with $1M to $50M in revenues or,
have less than 100 staff/users generally
satisfy the definition of 'small'.
If you generally have less  than $80M in revenues,
our small company services and pricing would match your needs.












We help with mundane and ad-hoc tasks that need some heavy lifting that you do not have time for.

Support assistance can be procured on project or retainer basis.

Currently, our support services are available on-site in the Tri-State area or on-demand, virtually.

Our one-stop-shop operational management talent will assist you with establishing, running and coordinating support functions to keep your business running smoothly. Payroll, recruitment, compliance, bookkeeping/accounts receivables/account payables, IT solutions are some examples of the things we address. We also help to coordinate with external legal, tax and accounting service providers to make sure you have appropriate contracts drafted and have considered cross-border state and tax implications.

We augment your leadership team and board of directors with seasoned and former executives to provide instant credibility in one or more domain areas or to bridge a temporary leadership gap caused by sudden company growth, a leave of absence or paternal leave, premature termination or departure of an executive or pending an executive expat transfer.

Officer and executive roles we fill include COO, CAO, CTO, CIO, CFO/Controller, CHRO, Secretary and Treasurer.

Our seasoned management consultants assist in solving a wide range of complex business problems on project basis. We diagnose the issue, develop a strategy, define the approach, make recommendations, and help you plan and execute the solution.

Seasoned leaders and former executives of Fortune 500 companies provide sound advice, coaching, and leadership guidance and mentorship when you get stuck or need a sounding board when you get into a sticky situation with employees, customers, vendors, regulators or any other external stakeholder.

We recognize that bootstrapped companies need to focus on growing sales, serving customers and freeing up capital investment and dedicating early rounds of funding on developing its customer base rather than having their funds tied up in expensive overhead expenses. 

It is the reason why our expertise and solutions are appealing to small business owners and startup founders.

Not only do we offer a track record of success working with resource-strapped start-ups that need to ramp up quickly and or small enterprises that need to scale their operations with limited resources, we also offer unparalleled access to seasoned advisors, operations talent and consultants with multi-disciplinary expertise, flexibility in contract arrangements and pricing that is tailored to your budget.

Our talent pool have strong records of success building out start-ups, scaling business infrastructure as well as managing operations. By leveraging our general management expertise, you can avoid costly mistakes, free up valuable time, add credibility to your board of advisor group and leadership team and hold down expensive overhead expenses by deferring the hiring of full-time permanent talent.

By leveraging our expertise for a specific project or on a retainer basis, you could conceivably solve multiple operational problems therefore saving costs, generating revenue quicker and/or removing employee frustrations in many areas. Deploying our expertise frees you up, as the owner or senior management to focus on things that matter most, like securing new rounds of investment, ensuring your company's survival and strategizing for long-term growth.

Examples of Areas and Issues We Help Small Business and Startups Solve

Protecting your clients/customers data

Solving customer complaints

Identifying drivers for expense leakage

Hiring the right talent

Developing new policies

Protecting intellectual property

Project Management

Defining new processes

Selecting the right technology solution and tools

Extracting and Correlating Data from multiple systems, sources and platforms

Conducting Multi-Dimensional Data Analysis

Tabulating and creating compelling storyboards and reports (for Board of Directors or Investors consumption)





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